Daily Schedule: Monday - Wednesday
6:00 AM: Devotions on the pier
7:00 AM: Travel to clinic sites
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Clinic
6:30 PM: Team Dinner/Meeting

Daily Schedule: Thursday
6:00 AM: Devotions on the pier
7:00 AM: Travel to clinic sites
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Clinic
Free Night

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We begin each day on the pier for devotions with music, prayer, and a participant shares their story.
Following devotions, we travel to clinic sites by golf cart and taxi to the clinic in San Pedro, by water taxi to other island locations, or by airplane to mainland clinic locations.
At the end of the day, we gather for a team meal and meeting. We share highlights of the day and process our experiences together.
Thursday evening is a free evening to try out one of the many restaurant options of your choice.

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Watch, to see more about the Daily Schedule


Meals on the BMP
